一个数据结构的组成(From Wikipedia) A collection of data items The relationships among them The operations that can be applied to the data structure 数据结构的Common operations(From Geeks4Geeks) Access: Get a data item in the given data structure. Search: Find a particular data item in the given data structure. Insert: Add a data item in the given data structure. Delete:…
Common business English phrases for a workplace meeting 20 Key Phrases for Successful International Business Meetings in English Making Small Talk in the Workplace with Colleagues and Coworkers Useful Phrases and Strategies for Presentations
Paper(1)Perception and Motion Planning for Pick-and-Place of Dynamic Object
Cowley, A., Cohen, B., Marshall, W., Taylor, C. J., & Likhachev, M. (2013, November). Perception and motion planning for pick-and-place of dynamic objects. In 2013 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (pp. 816-823). IEEE. PR2 被广泛应用于tabletop manipulation research。本文的系统设计是基于装有RGB-D sensor和自身姿态sensor的PR2。 The perception system The overall procedure is that table geometry is extracted to perform an initial…
本文参考 知乎回答:https://www.zhihu.com/question/58949190/answer/999701073 如何写CMakeList.txt C++工程的setup Learn CMake’s Scripting Language in 15 Minutes 入门 CMake的目的:It’s all about targets Define a target: defines targets using the add_executable, add_library or add_custom_target commands. Define the target’s properties: Once a target is created, it has properties that you can manipulate using the get_property and set_property commands. All target properties are strings. In CMake, every variable is a string. Other target properties include LINK_LIBRARIES, INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES and COMPILE_DEFINITIONS. Those…
CMakeList.txt: 六个例子
我们已经在C++工程的setup提到过,CMake是build system的生成器,它用于生成makefile,然后make就可以使用生成的make file对c++工程进行编译和链接成可执行文件。The make utility and Makefiles provide a build system that can be used to manage the compilation and re-compilation of programs that are written in any programming language. I use Makefiles quite often in my projects to automate the build process; however, there are times when Makefiles become overly complex for the task. Building complex projects is…
Paper(2)Toward Robotic Manipulation
本文是阅读综述文章Toward Robotic Manipulation, by Matthew T. Mason
CMake-based C++工程
本文参考medium作者Aakash Mallik关于c++开发的文章。 1. https://medium.com/heuristics/c-application-development-part-1-project-structure-454b00f9eddc2. https://medium.com/heuristics/c-application-development-part-2-cmakelists-txt-e415b5b387dc3. https://medium.com/heuristics/c-application-development-part-3-cmakelists-txt-from-scratch-7678253e5e244. https://www.learncpp.com/cpp-tutorial/a1-static-and-dynamic-libraries/5. https://medium.com/@onur.dundar1/cmake-tutorial-585dd180109b6. https://pabloariasal.github.io/2018/02/19/its-time-to-do-cmake-right/ 在开发C++大工程时,有两件事情要注意: Maintaining a project structure Dealing with third-party libraries 关注第一件事情:Maintaining a project structure 通常的c++工程结构如下: CMakeLists.txt include文件夹 src文件夹 libs文件夹 tests文件夹。 include文件夹 传统上,include文件夹是用于放header files, 但是modern practice 建议include文件夹必须strictly contain headers that need to be exposed publicly. 我们在include文件夹下,还特地加了一个与project名字相同的文件夹。这样做的目的是,由于include文件夹主要是为了方便外用的(供别人调用你写的这个library),所以我么希望当别人调用该project用于外用时是这样的:#include <Project_Name/public_header.h>,而不是#include <public_header.h>的。 src文件夹 src文件夹包含所有的源代码,以及所有那些仅用于internal use的header files。基本上,如果你注意third-party libraries时,基本都有类似的结构。 libs文件夹 libs文件夹包含了所有我们需要用到的third-party libraries。通常我们有两种方式来使用third-party libraries in C++:Static或者Dynamic。libs文件夹只包含通过static方式使用的third-party libraries。…
每天写代码前的第一件事:要对你的工作的branch做git rebase 具体步骤就是: 换回到master branch pull最新的master branch上的更新 切回到你工作的branch 然后在更新的master上做rebase 如果不幸有冲突merge conflicts,那么我们需要额外三步。即第五步到第七步。第五步mergetool来查看冲突,第六步需要进入code进行修改,第七步继续rebase。 关于第一步mergetool,可以参照What’s the best visual merge tool for Git?。如何configure merge tool,可以用如下 如果依然有merge conflicts,重复第五步到第七步。 最后如果你后悔了,想撤销刚才做的: 正确地commit A best practice when using Git is to make sure each commit consists of only a single logical change. whether that’s a fix for a bug or a new feature….
机器人DH convention
[latexpage]A robot manipulator with $n$ joints will have $n + 1$ links since each joint connects two links. We number the joints from $1$ to $n$, and we number the links from $0$ to $n$, starting from the base. By this convention, joint $i$ connects link $i − 1$ to link $i$. When joint $i$…
HPP, FCL and Pinocchio
FCL(Flexible Collision Library) FCL是Flexible Collision Library的缩写,是A General Purpose Library for Collision and Proximity Queries,它具体的github repo在这里,相关的学术文章为FCL: A general purpose library for collision and proximity queries。 FCL is also used as the collision checking library for grasping and manipulation pipeline implemented on a PR2. In the course of the task, the overall algorithm makes multiple calls to…