Monthly Archives: December 2020
Common business English phrases for a workplace meeting 20 Key Phrases for Successful International Business Meetings in English Making Small Talk in the Workplace with Colleagues and Coworkers Useful Phrases and Strategies for Presentations
Paper(1)Perception and Motion Planning for Pick-and-Place of Dynamic Object
Cowley, A., Cohen, B., Marshall, W., Taylor, C. J., & Likhachev, M. (2013, November). Perception and motion planning for pick-and-place of dynamic objects. In 2013 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (pp. 816-823). IEEE. PR2 被广泛应用于tabletop manipulation research。本文的系统设计是基于装有RGB-D sensor和自身姿态sensor的PR2。 The perception system The overall procedure is that table geometry is extracted to perform an initial…
本文参考 知乎回答: 如何写CMakeList.txt C++工程的setup Learn CMake’s Scripting Language in 15 Minutes 入门 CMake的目的:It’s all about targets Define a target: defines targets using the add_executable, add_library or add_custom_target commands. Define the target’s properties: Once a target is created, it has properties that you can manipulate using the get_property and set_property commands. All target properties are strings. In CMake, every variable is a string. Other target properties include LINK_LIBRARIES, INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES and COMPILE_DEFINITIONS. Those…
CMakeList.txt: 六个例子
我们已经在C++工程的setup提到过,CMake是build system的生成器,它用于生成makefile,然后make就可以使用生成的make file对c++工程进行编译和链接成可执行文件。The make utility and Makefiles provide a build system that can be used to manage the compilation and re-compilation of programs that are written in any programming language. I use Makefiles quite often in my projects to automate the build process; however, there are times when Makefiles become overly complex for the task. Building complex projects is…